Holiday Hub Page: Your One-Stop Shop for Holiday Planning Must-Haves

By Pepperjam on November 2, 2020

Tis the season for holiday prep, and the 2020 shopping season looks a bit different than years past. eMarketer reports that US consumers will spend $190 billion this year on holiday ecommerce purchases— an incremental $50 billion in sales versus 2019. While strategic planning and execution are underway for many marketers, it’s not too late to optimize your affiliate program for the ecommerce shopping surge.

Ensure that you are on track to make the most of Q4 with our Holiday Hub Page, your one-stop shop for affiliate holiday prep resources. We’re sharing holiday prep must-haves such as advertiser and partner playbooks, on-demand holiday webinars, relevant blog content and more in a single destination to put the pro tips you need right at your fingertips. Check out the Holiday Hub today to maximize the holiday shopping season from start to finish.